Friday, January 22, 2016

Skin Care and MakeUp Collective Haul!

Hey Loves!

Welcome back to my blog!

So today will be about a collective skin care and makeup haul. The reason why this post is quite late is because I have been contemplating if I will be writing about it or just post a video on it so that it won't take too long for you to read.

So finally, I decided to just make a video for it. Some are actually repurchases and have done reviews on already and most of them I haven't. Unfortunately, since the video is quite long, it cannot be uploaded here. :( So for you to be able to watch it, I just decided to upload it in my YouTube channel. Please be informed though that I am not yet an official YouTuber, I basically just made an account in YouTube so as I can be updated and subscribed to my favorite beauty YouTubers. This time though, since I want you guys to see this haul and so as you will know what product reviews to expect in my following blogposts, I decided to upload it anyway. LOL I will be including the link in this post so you guys can watch it in my YouTube Channel. Feel free to subscribe and also to give that video a thumbs up if you want me to also be posting videos in YouTube for product reviews and makeup looks. :) Feel free to also follow me in Instagram: @Yhang_Chua to be updated with my upcoming blog posts. :)

So my Skin Care and Collective Haul is finally up in my YouTube Channel. Feel Free to click the link, watch the video, please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe. :)

The link for the YouTube Video for this is

See you on my next post!



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