Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi Guys!

Welcome to my blog!!

For now, let me introduce myself. I am Yhang Chua from Manila, Philippines. 26 y/o and a self confessed makeup addict. Yes, you read that right. I have been a makeup lover since I was in HighSchool but has been loving it more for the past few months. I will be posting reviews of the makeup I have been using and will be trying on as well.

Please note though that some of my first posts may actually not have complete information like pictures of the products in their respective packaging or boxes since I will be posting first those that I already have and been using for quite some time now. 

For now, I will be posting more about drugstore makeup and those you can find locally and mostly in department stores. I must admit that YouTube did influence me a lot in appreciating makeup more. Anyway, I prefer to be posting reviews about local and drugstore products since I decided that for high end makeup, we already find a lot of reviews about them in other blogs and as well as YouTube. I want to create a blog that will also help Filipinas out there who are in a budget to go get the right, affordable yet good quality makeup products there are in the market right now. 

So for now, hope you would enjoy my blog and see you on my next posts! :)



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